Application is the last step of Bible Study.
The first thing to remember is that making applications to your life is the last step of Bible study. It always comes after careful observation and interpretation of scripture. If you try to infer applications before you study, you could miss the whole Truth God is communicating, or you could focus so much on the DO of scripture you miss the heart of God in the why. If you skip the application part in total, you can be trapped by having a great deal of knowledge about God without a changed life that reflects Him.
These changed lives come through application of scripture that is both internal and external.
Internal Applications are about changing the way we think, making sure we focus and meditate on true things about God and ourselves.
External Applications are more behavioral and affect how we live and interact with others in a Biblical way.
After studying a passage and identifying Truths, then it is time to turn them into applications. These applications can be written in the form of questions (see pictures) or “I will” statements. Be as specific to your “right now” as you can. What does God want you to change about how you think or how you act from what you’ve learned?