This is Joseph. A man battered by the circumstances of life, yet someone who grew to understand a very powerful Truth. In the midst of all he experienced, Joseph chose to trust in the sovereignty of God. As his faith grew, Joseph knew that whatever happened in life, whatever circumstances came, his Lord would use it for good.
Read More“Do you really love me?” “Where is justice?” These questions became the basis of disputes between the nation of Israel and God. And maybe, if we are honest, similar outcries appear at the core of our own disputes with the Lord. We grapple with the difficult parts of life, and we begin to question the Author if it.
Read MoreIs victory worth considering selfish pursuits and ungodly choices? Is hope in the promises of God worth letting go of broken expectations? Is dwelling with the God who calls and chooses us worth giving up self reliance?
Did God’s people respond to their calling? What will Israel do? What will we do?
Just like Israel, we have been called and chosen. What could change in our lives if we would accept God’s choosing and calling on our lives?
Read MoreIf we are honest, none of us are quite as whole as we want to be. And while we feel the gaps and cracks within, we still have lives that stretch out before us which we must navigate. Lives that would benefit from us being complete and strong. Lives that call for capable women who stand on their own two feet and are a part of something greater than any one of us: Christ’s Church.
Read MoreNone of us are immune to the painful things of life - hurt ebbs and flows for each of us. We brandish the scars of things we have survived in the past. We sit in the dark spaces of our present looking for a way to pass through. And we brace for the future, knowing there will be trials ahead. Dealing with the difficult is part of what it means to be human.
And if pain is to make up a portion of our lives, how do we journey through it well? Is there a way to learn to handle not only the epic and far reaching tragedies, but also the small and private sorrows?
Read MoreThere are questions innate to human existence. They lurk there, deep in our psyches, rearing their ugly heads at the times we are most vulnerable.
Who am I? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to be doing in life?
The last step in Bible Study made easy!
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