Haggai: I Have Chosen You
Life was difficult. It was filled with hard work, endurance, and loss. No matter how much energy Israel put into making life flourish, it refused to do so. In fact, life spiraled down into a direction Israel never planned to go. As God’s people continued unsatisfied, a mist of apathy and discouragement settled over their crisp, hopeful dreams. In order to make it from day to day, Israel turned inward, became selfish, and before long, depression began to permeate their once bright future.
Then, God’s voice broke through to His people, calling them to Himself. Israel had been chosen to leave behind their stilted life of poor choices and self-inflicted stasis in exchange for a life of victory!
Is victory worth considering selfish pursuits and ungodly choices? Is hope in the promises of God worth letting go of broken expectations? Is dwelling with the God who calls and chooses us worth giving up self reliance?
Did God’s people respond to their calling? What will Israel do? What will we do?
Just like Israel, we have been called and chosen. What could change in our lives if we would accept God’s choosing and calling on our lives?
In this 5 week study from Reaching Her we will:
Realize God chooses each of us.
Acknowledge and understand His calling on our lives.
Consider our ways and learn the steps of obedience.
Analyze our expectations, working through them towards hope.
Seek to know and internalize the promises of God.
Learn to live in victory.
Haggai: I Have Chosen You is designed to help you engage with God through His Word, as well as connect and grow within a community. Each of the five weeks comes equipped with discussion/discipleship questions for you to use personally, in a discipleship relationship, or within a group.
Ready to begin? BUY A PAPERBACK COPY FROM AMAZON! OR DOWNLOAD Haggai: I Have Chosen You here!
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