Intentional Time With God
There is no failing here. If we’re communicating with God, then we’ve GoT It.
The main reason for using our Intentional Time with God Resource is simple: it is turning our face upward to His face. As we study the Word, it is important to open our hearts to receive God's Truth. When we are willing to be honest, genuine, and transparent before our loving, heavenly Father, we build a relationship with our Lord. There are many ways to help us do this listed below. Let's try something; see if it fits our personality and our season. If it’s not quite working, then we can always come back and try something else. There is no failing here. If we’re communing with God then we got it.
Classic Prayer - This is what we usually think about when we are talking about praying. This is a free form, wide open space to say whatever we need and want to God. There are no boundaries or rules. It’s just speaking to God and pressing into that time with Him.
Prayer Prompts - Listed here are two basic prayer formulas that we can use to walk us through talking with God if we find ourselves at a loss for direction:
ACTS ( Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication)
Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield
Being Quiet/Listening - Although talking comes more easily, it is not a conversation with God if we will not stop to listen to what He has to say to us in return. Quieting our spirits and pausing for one to two minutes can give God space to speak into our lives. What is He saying to us?
Journaling - Opening up a journal or grabbing some paper and pen can also give us space to jot down our thoughts towards/about God. Here we have a field of open paper in which to roam.
Immanuel Journaling - Immanuel Journaling begins by writing out a prayer to the Lord and then concludes with writing a response from the perspective of God. (staying within the character of God). It is a powerful exercise to couple God’s Truth to our personal situations. Further instructions for Immanuel Journaling are at the website, Presence and Practice (Immanuel Journaling) or the book Joyful Journey by Jim Wilder.
Bullet Journaling - Lots of words are not for everyone. What are the main things that we need to communicate to God? Listing them out in the form of bullets can be enough to let our minds fill in everything else we need to say to God.
Liturgy - Some of us really love the sway and flow of liturgical prayer. The sweet tradition of words spoken by other believers can be a beautiful place to begin communication with our personal Savior. Liturgy can be found in the Psalms, traditional church readings, or books such as Every Moment Holy by Douglas Kaine McKelvey.
Deep Breathing and Meditation - Sometimes when we come before God our hearts and minds are cluttered and unfocused. Deep Breathing can calm our physical bodies. Coupled with this, meditating on scripture can quiet our minds and saturate our busy thoughts in God’s Truth.
Worship Music - Music can move us into a space nearer to God, especially for worship. Whether we make music or listen to music, we can use this tool to draw us closer to God.
Walking/Exercise - There are times when what we need is to move. Physical activity can calm our bodies and free our minds. Exercise can be a great way to get our bodies moving and create an open headspace in which to turn towards God.
Art - God created art, and it can be used to express our hearts to Him. Whether it is doodling in the margins or creating a masterpiece, pouring out what is inside us can help us communicate our thoughts to God or solidify Truths we have learned from God.