A Summer of Psalms [new study!]


Summer can be such a difficult time to stay in the Word. School lets out, trips and camps are around the corner, and life seems to speed up. But it’s possible to press into God even in the busy. In fact, that’s why our team at Reaching Her has worked to develop a flexible, simple, and life-giving study guide to take us through the book of Psalms together. It’s a summer of seeing God and paying attention to the blessings of His Word. If you decide to follow along daily, you will be reading 1 or 2 Psalms a day. Our plan starts today (May 1st) through August 1st. The guide is flexible and you can easily catch up even if you miss a couple of days. And you can plug into a community of women (both near and far) who are seeing God alongside of you. The blessings of the Word are maximized in community, so reach out to a girl in your class or church and ask if she wants to do it with you! It’s something that can be done long-distance too.

You’ll notice quickly that the study guide is super simple, which only two or three instructions a day. And honestly, We hope it leaves you hungry for more. Because more is coming. We consider “A Summer of Psalms” a runway into something greater — something that will provide you with more confidence as you engage with the Bible. [If you are interested in the “more” that is coming, be sure to sign up for monthly emails.] Let’s start this summer by looking for God in the pages of the Psalms.

Our prayer is that you will truly get a better glimpse of God this summer.

Be sure to connect with the community on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter and use #ASummerOfPsalms to share what you are learning!
